Joining Forces: Philanthropic Support of a Transnational Movement
Learn how you can support EASJ2020 in Jackson, Mississippi.
What can philanthropy do to help build connections that will lead to the world that we dream for our girls and for all of us?
How can philanthropy work to stop brutal assaults on young people in school and also create the education system, and thus the world, we want to see?
How can philanthropy keep young people out of a broken juvenile and criminal justice system so that they might lead this nation toward Free?
Education Anew: Shifting Justice (EASJ) is a start. Join us in conversation about the joint conference that took place in Puerto Rico in 2018 - EASJ and the Grantmakers for Girls of Color convening. Hosted together to help build connections between those working to bring about equity in education and youth justice the world over.
This webinar is co-hosted by the Communities for Just Schools Fund, Andrus Family Fund, and NoVo Foundation.
​Featured Panelists:
• Xiomara Caro Díaz, Maria Fund
• Wakumi Douglas, S.O.U.L Sisters Leadership Collective​
• Mercedes Martinez, Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico
• Leticia Peguero, The Nathan Cummings Foundation​
• Allison R. Brown and Jaime T. Koppel, Communities for Just Schools Fund
• Manuela Arciniegas, Andrus Family Fund
• Tynesha McHarris, NoVo Foundation